福 (pronounced "fook"), is "luck, or fortune" in English. If you are Chinese/Taiwanese or have friends that are I am sure you have seen this in around (on calenders, on the wall, back of the door, above the door, etc..) I find it to be an interesting word.. old people sometimes say 沒有福氣 (or to have no luck) if they don't have kids that care for them when they are old.. or they don't have much money... or live in an old home.. etc.
Recently, I was talking to a friend from Korea whilst in Hong Kong and I came to the realization that 我有福氣 (I am lucky, or I do have luck). I have always thought that I was someone who didn't take anything for granted and had little sense of entitlement. I was telling my friend how I was staying with my uncle and the things I have been doing... he told me wow you are really lucky there are not that many uncles and aunts that would house you and feed you for so long even though they are family.. looking back I see that a lot of things fell into place, my mom was the only girl in the family so she was pretty close to her brothers because they took of her and she took care of them.. so I was fortunate to be always around my favorite uncle's family when I was younger. Even now we don't talk and see each other as much now, its still really cool to be back in HK and still hang out and be cool with them and talk. Like they say, "you can pick your friends but not your family"... and even though every family has a black sheep (my family has a few..) I am extremely appreciative of mine...